
Sunday 2 December 2012


Conquering an Enemy Called Average -John Mason

Nugget #1:  “Know your limits,  and then ignore them!”  
“Be a history maker and a worl d shaker.” -Art Sepulveda

Nugget #2: “None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.”  
What the free enterprise system really means is that the more enterprising you are, the
more free you are.  What this country needs is less emphasis on free and more on
enterprise.  Listen to Shakespeare:  “Nothing can come of nothing.”  A belief is
worthless unless converted into action.  The word ‘work’  is not an obscure biblical
concept; it appears in the Bible 564 times.  Often the simple answer to our prayers is: 
Go to work!  
“Striving for success without hard work is  like trying to harvest where you haven’t
planted.” –David Bly Pg 17

Choice, not chance, determines destiny.  Too many people go through life not knowing
what they want but feeling sure they don’t have it.  Herbert Prochnow  said, “There is a
time when we must firmly choose the course which we will follo w, or the relentless
drift of events will make the decision for us.”  Pg 19

“Until you make peace with who you are,  you will never be content with what you
have.”  -Doris Mortman  

“It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.”  -Elizabeth Kenny

“When your chances are slim and none…go with slim.” –Stemmons

“I encourage boldness because the danger of seniority and pension plans tempts a man
to settle in a rut named security rather  then find his own rai nbow.”  -Conrad Hilton

“Refuse to join the cautious crowd that pl ays not to lose.  Play to win.”  -David

Nugget #7:  “Do More…”  Pg 27-28

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what
you have now was once among the things only hoped for.”  -Epicurus

“Almost everything comes from al most nothing.”  -Henri Amiel

“I cannot do everything, but I still can  do something; and because I can not do
everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do.”  -Edward Hail

Doing the best at this moment puts you in th e best place for the next moment.  When
can you live if not now?  All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.  Seneca
said, “Begin at once to live.”  Ellen Melcalf remarked, “There are many people who are
at the right place at the right time but don’t know  it.”  It is okay to take time to plan, but
when the time of action has arrived, stop thinking and go for it!  Pg 31

Today, well lived, will prepare you for bo th the opportunities and obstacles of
tomorrow.  Pg 32

“You need not choose evil; but only fail to choose good, and you will drift fast enough
towards evil.  You do not need to say, ‘I will be bad’, you only have to say, ‘I will not
choose God’s choice’, and the choice of evil is already settled.”  WJ Dawson

Would the boy you were be proud of the man you are?  Pg 34

When it comes to excuses, the world is full of great inventors.  Some spend half their
lives telling what they are going to do, and  the other half explaining why they didn’t do
it.  Pg 35

“If you think education is expensive – try ignorance.”  -Derek Bok

Nugget #13:  Status Quo.  Latin for “The mess we’re in” Pg 39
The fact is, the road to success is always under construction.  Yesterday’s formula for
success is often tomorrow’s recipe for failure.  You cannot become what you are
destined to be by remaining what you are.  John Patterson said, “Only fools and dead
mean don’t change.  Fools won’t.   Dead man can’t.”

There are people whose watch stops at a certain hour and who remain permanently at
that age.”  -Sante Boeve

Nugget #14:  Get ahead of yourself.  Pg 41
“Our business in life is not to get ahead of ot hers, but to get ahead of ourselves- to break
our own records, to outstrip our yesterdays by today, to do our work with more force
than ever before.”  (Stewart Johnson).  If you would like to know who is responsible for
most of your troubles, take a look in the mirror.  If you could kick the fellow responsible
for most of your problems, you wouldn’t be able  to sit down for three weeks.  It’s time
for us to stay out of our own way.”

“Nothing worthwhile comes easily.  Half  effort does not produce half results.  It
produces no results.  Work, continuous work and hard work is the only way to
accomplish results that last.”  -Hamilton Hoyt

The truth is one thing for which there are  no known substitutes.  There is no acceptable
substitute for honesty.  There is no valid excuse for dishonesty.  Pg 45

Nugget #17:  The world belongs to the enthusiastic.  Pg 47-48
“Enthusiasm is nothing more or less than faith in action.”  -Henry Chester
There is a direct correlation between our passion and our potential.  If you live a life of
negativity you will find yourself s easick during the entire voyage.

Nugget# 18:  If you chase two rabbits both will escape.

Nugget# 22:  A true friend is the best possession.  Pg 59
Tell me who your friends are,  and I will tell you who you are.  The less you associate
with some people, the more your life w ill improve.  If you run with wolves you will
learn how to howl.  But, if you associate with eagles you will learn how to soar to great
heights.  The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you
closely associate – for the good and the bad.   Almost all of our sorrows spring out of
relationships with the wrong people.  “Keep out of the suction caused by those who drift
backwards.”  -EK Piper

“When I hear somebody say that ‘Life is hard’, I am always  tempted to ask, ‘Compare
to what?”  -Sydney Harris

Nugget #24:  Don’t measure your success by what others have and haven’t done.  
If you think you are doing better than the aver age person, you’re an average person. 
Why would you want to compare yourself with someone average?  Pg 63-64

Anger is a boomerang that will surely hit you harder than anyone or anything at which
you throw it.  Pg 66

Great minds discuss ideas, good minds discu ss events, and small minds discuss other
people.  Pg 68

God often gives us a little, in order to see what we will do with a lot.  Pg 82

What you put off until tomorrow, you’ll probably put off tomorrow, too. Success comes
to the man who does today what  others were thinking of doing tomorrow.  The lazier a
man is, the more he is going to do tomorrow.  “Some day” is not a day of the week. 
Hard work is usually an accumulation of eas y things that should have been done last
week.  Pg 83-84

The truth is, more people worry about the future than prepare for it.  Pg 94

“Turn your doubts into questions; turn your questions to prayers; turn your prayers to
God.”  -Mark Litteton

“The purpose of life is a lif e of purpose” -Robert Byrne

Nugget #41:  Do you count your blessings or think that your blessings don’t count? 
If we stop to think more, we would stop to thank more.  “Greed is a bottomless pit
which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching
satisfaction.” (Erich Fromm).   “Happiness always looks  small while you hold it in your
hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.”  -Maxim Gorky
Pg 99-100

“Blessed are those who can give without reme mbering and take without forgetting.”  -Elizabeth Bibesco

A lot of people are willing to give God the credit, but not too many are willing to give
him the cash.  Pg 104

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”  -Abraham Lincoln

If your lips would keep from slips;
Five things observe with care;
To whom you speak, of whom you speak;
And how, and when and where.  Pg 112

“Keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the
world.”  -George Bernard Shaw

“Faith is a sounder guide than reason.”  Reason can only go so far, but faith has no
limits.”  -Blaise Pascal

Monday 26 November 2012

Is Your Family's Money Legacy Keeping You from Growing Your Biz?...

Charge What You're Worth

Is Your Family's Money Legacy Keeping You from Growing Your Biz?

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When it comes to family you inherited more than just your looks, height or hair color. You also inherited beliefs and values about money that have been handed down for generations.
Which is great if your family's money history was free from turmoil, secrecy or difficulties.
Unfortunately, what's more likely true is that the money habits and mindset you inherited are keeping you from realizing your value and preventing you from charging what you're worth, standing in your power with clear money boundaries, raising your fees and more.
Happily, you now have the opportunity to heal your money legacy. And, once you do so, you'll see an immediate surge of new opportunities, growth and flow in your business.
To help you create a new money legacy, here are 3 tips I've personally used to help me go from frustrating 5-figures to now running a multi-million dollar coaching business.
Tip No. 1 Give Yourself Permission To Make More Than Others In Your Family
Even though it's natural for our parents to want us to do well, it's common to somehow think it's "not okay" to make more than they have.
I recommend identifying the one person in your immediate family you're most concerned about regarding this issue. You can hold your own private blessing ceremony" where you allow yourself to let go of past ideas of unworthiness so that you can let feelings of deserving grace and good fortune to flow in.
Tip No. 2 Girls Want More Than Just To Have Fun -- They Want To Be Paid What They're Worth!
Society often has lower expectations of success for women compared to men. Choose a woman you can model who is successful and who lives the values and lifestyle you admire and appreciate. Ask yourself, "What does SHE believe about money and creating success?" so you can adopt that winning mindset for yourself.
Tip No. 3 Acknowledge Your Role As A Leader And Healer Of Money Within Your Family Legacy
If you have the desire to make more then the Divine has tapped you on the shoulder as the leader and healer of money within your family legacy. Think of it this way: there is no way you would have the desire to make more if you weren't also meant to step into this special, leadership role.
The Money You Create Is Your New Family Legacy And A Vital Component Of Your Spiritual Path
Every generation is meant to get stronger, healthier, smarter and yes, more successful. So, give yourself permission to be paid what you're worth. Your family's history is theirs, not yours. It's time you write your OWN history so you can move past where you are now and into an exciting, new level of income.

Million Dollar Marketing Coach Kendall SummerHawk is an expert at helping women entrepreneurs, at all levels, design businesses they love and charge what they're worth and get it. Join her to learn her all new Courageous Coaching Method and take your coaching business to the next level.

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Kendall Summerhawk
How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It
Kendall Summerhawk


is money evil?

Is Making More Money Part Of Your Spiritual Path?

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Many cultures have long-standing myths that wealth and spirituality can't mix. But the truth is that money is not "good" or "evil" and it can't transform you from a person of integrity into someone you're not.
But, money IS an essential part of your spiritual development and any resistance you have to it will be reflected in the kinds of results your business produces.
Which is why if you truly wish to keep progressing on your spiritual path -- and a successful business path -- you must discover how to break free of these myths so that you can achieve your next level of success with grace and ease.
The good news is that every time you free yourself from a past money myth, you open the door to a new level of income, freedom, confidence and decisiveness.
Here are 5 simple ways that money will help you further your spiritual development AND grow your business:
1 Money Creates Time
Prayer, meditation, retreat and reflection are all important activities for you to stay connected to Divine source energy. You must have enough money flowing in that you can give yourself time for these pursuits without having to spend every waking moment running around, worrying about where the next dollar is coming from.
2 Money Expresses Love
Realistically, how many people can you help if you're always worried about making enough money? When you have enough flowing in, you can generously turn your attention towards giving to others. Whether you're donating your time, services, products or money, you can choose the people and causes that advance your vision of a better world.
3 Money Inspires Hope
When you're successful, one of the biggest gifts is that you become a beacon to everyone whose lives you touch and inspire. By showing them what you've done you help them believe they can do it, too.
4 Money Is Energy
Money represents the exchange of service and time between you and your clients, vendors, shopkeepers, etc. The energy of money is constantly in motion, flowing in all directions. By becoming successful you help increase this flow, allowing even greater abundance to be manifested in your life and in the lives of the people surrounding you.
5 Money Flows From Spirit
Spirit does not place a limit on how wealthy you can become (that is a man-made concept). If you remember that you're serving Spirit first, you'll never feel guilty about making more than others or worry that your success is in someway depriving someone of what they need.
Remember That Making Fabulous Money Is Part Of Your Spiritual Path
When you stand in your power with money, you feel alive, in alignment with your truth and that you are living your potential. So, the next time you're tempted to doubt that you can make more or that making more is in someway "bad" remember that fear and doubt are never truth and that you're meant to be wealthy beyond what you imagine!

Million Dollar Marketing Coach Kendall SummerHawk is an expert at helping women entrepreneurs, at all levels, design businesses they love and charge what they're worth and get it. Kendall delivers simple ways entrepreneurs can design and price their services to quickly move away from 'dollars-for-hours work' and create more money, time, and freedom in their business. For free articles, resources, and your free audio course "7 Simple Steps to Create Your Multiple Streams of Income "Money and Soul" Business" visit

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Kendall Summerhawk
How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It
Kendall Summerhawk



Money, Money, Money!

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One of the paradoxes of abundant cash flow is that the more you ‘need' money, the less it graces your world. The more you focus on money as your outcome, the less that money manifests in your world. That's because something is seriously flawed with this model of abundance.
Let's say you want to have a six-figure income. You do the work to create awareness around your limiting beliefs, you invest your energy in clearing the patterns, set your intentions, practice visualizations, take action, take action, etc. What you may not realize, is that you are literally creating separation between you and your source of abundance by focusing on what is missing in your world.

When you ask for what you want, when you express a need, you are highlighting a state of lack in your world. You are shouting from the mountain tops that you are not enough. This won't flip your abundance switch on!

Here's the thing, chances are it's not about the bucks! Most often what you really want is what you ‘think' money will give you . . . security, freedom, influence, etc. At an even deeper level what you probably want even more is to do what makes you come alive. So, why focus on the money, when what you really want is a life of meaning.

Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, deep inside you are seeking growth and aliveness, wanting to manifest your potential and be all you can be. ~Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer

If you'd like to have more money so that you can have more freedom in your world, try creating more freedom in your life and notice how abundance flows your way. Here's the shift I'm inviting you to explore: engage money as a tool to help you more fully express yourself and your potential, not as something you need to fill a ‘less than' experience.

Let's explore how to bring this into being in your world. Grab a pad and pen and let's dive in:

1. What is the one thing -- that if you had it right now -- would totally flip your world?

2. Think of three ways that you can have the essence of that right now.

3. Jot down the qualities that would support you in bringing those things into being right now. Who would you become if you expressed those qualities on a daily basis? Imagine yourself as that fully expressed being and feel what it would be like to be that ‘you.'

4. Spend 90 percent of your energy focusing on the joy of having what IS already abundant in your world. Bring the qualities of your being that liven you into play as much as possible.

Your ability to experience abundance in your world is directly related to your willingness to embody possibility and aliveness on a moment by moment basis. Choose expansive experiences and abundance will saturate your world. It's inevitable!

Adela Rubio is a Joint Venture Strategist who helps coaches and creatives share their message and build their tribe using engaging listbuilding strategies. She is an expert at creating experiential online virtual events that position you to free your Unique Essence, share your Authentic Message and power boost your reach with Joint Ventures. Let Adela teach you how powerful partnerships can be. Download Adela's free audio "Creating Powerful Partnerships" at today!

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Adela Rubio
Adela Rubio


The Secret Energy of Money

Money Habits of Highly Successful Women

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Mid-way through the year is the perfect time to gain some fresh insight on how to not only make more, but how to keep more of what you make. And if you're not the "budgeting type" you'll be glad to know that trying to force yourself to spend less is typically NOT the solution. Budgets are like diets: they don't usually work because they feel too restrictive and tend to stir up feelings of guilt and remorse, which leads to at first trying not to spend, only to later indulge in a shopping spree that puts you right back where you started.
What IS critical is to know that highly successful women share certain habits. They've figured out how to balance treating themselves with life's luxury items AND still save, thus creating feelings of security and peace with money, while securing their financial future.
Best of all, it's never too late to start modeling these habits. Which is why I'm sharing my top 4 tips to help you increase your "money mojo."
Tip Number 1. Track Every Penny In And Out
When it comes to money, ignorance is NOT bliss. Consider this: Money loves to be paid attention to and it WILL capture your attention, one way or another. By tracking what you make and what you spend you're giving money the attention it requires. I use a simple tracking form where I jot down the total amount of revenue I've brought in each day. For expenses, I tuck all receipts into one handy folder and let my bookkeeper enter the expenses in a tracking program such as Quick Books®.
You'll be shocked at how quickly you start creating greater income -- and effortlessly start spending less -- following this simple tip.
Tip Number 2. Only Create Debt If It's An Investment, Not An Expense
Purchasing consumables such as clothes, food, entertainment, gasoline, mani/pedi, etc. on credit is a big mistake because once the money's been spent you have nothing to show for it. (The exception is if you have the discipline to pay off your credit card balances in full each month.)
The only time it makes sense to use your credit card for a purchase that may not be paid in full at the end of the month is if you're investing in training and education that will help you grow your business.
Every business needs to be invested in, in order to grow. And leaning on credit cards to either get your business started or fuel your next level of growth can be one of the wisest decisions you'll ever make. That's because investing in yourself is always the best investment you can make. Just be sure you have a clear payoff plan written out so you stay in financial integrity and make your investment pay off.
Tip Number 3. Always Pay Yourself First, Even When It Feels Like You Can't (Or Shouldn't)
Women are notorious for undervaluing themselves. But the truth is, if you don't value yourself, why would you expect any one else to? In the beginning the act of paying yourself first is more important than the actual amount. Later on, you can give yourself a raise. For now, start writing a check to yourself once or twice per month (even if you need to deposit it right back into the account it came from).
And don't settle for what's left over at the end of the month. Instead, decide in advance how much you want your business to pay you as an annual salary, then divide by 12 if you're going to pay yourself monthly, or divide by 24 if you prefer twice per month (that's the schedule I use).
At first it may be a stretch to consistently pay yourself that amount but trust me, once you begin to respect that amount as non-negotiable you'll find yourself doing what it takes to make more money and grow your business.
Tip Number 4. Start Saving Today, No Excuses
Like paying yourself first, the act of saving money is more important than the amount. Over time you can increase the amount you tuck away. What's key is to have a compelling, emotional "why" as to what the money saved is for. The more emotionally connected you are to your money, the more connected your money will be to YOU (helping it to grow quickly and effortlessly).
It's Time To Put On Your "Big Girl Panties" And Become A Financially Empowered Woman
Highly successful women understand their relationship with money is one of the most intimate, long lasting and revealing relationships they'll ever have. Just remember, by valuing your money you're valuing yourself in a positive, powerful way that is truly priceless!

Million Dollar Marketing Coach Kendall SummerHawk is an expert at helping women entrepreneurs, at all levels, design businesses they love and charge what they're worth and get it. If you are ready to discover the 3 secrets to removing what holds you back from being paid what you’re really worth, join her for a free video and teleclass training called “Money Blocks & Breakthroughs” at

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Kendall Summerhawk
How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It
Kendall Summerhawk


How to Raise Your Prices

How To Raise Your Pricing Self-Esteem

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Next to selling, no other aspect of a woman entrepreneur's business causes her as much anxiety as figuring out what to charge. I've known plenty of outwardly confident woman -- the kind who wouldn't hesitate to walk side by side with the big boys when it comes to success and achievement -- who inwardly shrink when it comes to raising their fees.
Woman take everything in their businesses personally, which is why pricing pushes our self-worth triggers and stirs up old, past emotional wounds leftover from childhood, that we thought we'd left behind long ago.
Giving yourself a raise by raising your fees does not have to feel as if you're tripping on emotional land mines in high heels. On the contrary, I've discovered that by learning a few simple secrets to raising your fees, you can begin healing deeply hidden self-worth issues AND benefit your bank account at the same time.
The secret is to follow the 3 simple steps I've outlined for you in this article. Do so and you can expect greater confidence, increased respect from others and the higher fees that tell the world you're worth it!
Tip Number 1 Know What Not To Take Personally
Your fees aren't a reflection of YOUR value, but of the value you and your clients place on the RESULTS they achieve from your expertise. Which means this is one area of your business you'll be better served not to take personally. So instead of asking yourself, "How can I charge that much?" step back and instead ask, "What are the specific results my client want, get and value?"
By focusing on the results your clients achieve you'll help avoid the emotional trigger of "I'm not good enough".
Tip Number 2 Know How To Positively Benefit From Feedback
One of the big fears woman business owners harbor is the fear of rejection, which often comes from not getting enough love, affection and acceptance as a young child. And, often causes the adult you to freeze in your tracks when it comes to marketing, offering your services or discussing fees.
Ironically, entrepreneurs who fear rejection often feel isolated because they're not reaching out and connecting with enough people, and are quick to feel shut down if someone declines their offer.
What's needed here is a major reframe. Start by marketing to people who are most likely to love and accept your service, then build from there. By focusing on the people who are likely to love you, you'll quickly see positive results from your marketing and a growing self-confidence.
Tip Number 3 Know When To Raise The Bar
Holding back from raising your fees sends an unspoken message that you're not confident about your services which is why raising your fees gives you the perfect opportunity to see your business through a new lens. When you raise your fees you automatically walk taller and start playing your "A" game in all areas of your business . . . and in your life. This will support you in not going down the path of "Who am I?" While It May Seem Scary At First, Your Pricing Self-Esteem Will Positively Impact Every Aspect Of Your Life And Business
You're in business because you care about helping others achieve their ultimate potential. Now it's time for YOU to do the same, by facing the shadow side of raising your fees. Underneath that shadow is a vibrant, confident you who knows she CAN charge what she's worth . . . and get it!
Find out how to raise your pricing self-esteem, attract all the new clients you'll ever need, streamline your marketing and increase your income at

Million Dollar Marketing Coach Kendall SummerHawk is an expert at helping women entrepreneurs, at all levels, design 6-figure+ businesses they love. Kendall delivers simple, step-by-step ways entrepreneurs can easily attract all the new clients they'll ever need, streamline their marketing and increase their income — today, tomorrow and beyond —

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Kendall Summerhawk
How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It
Kendall Summerhawk


How to Make More Money

How Much Money Do You Deserve to Make?

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Every woman harbors inside her heart her secret "inner accountant." This accountant busily keeps tabs on how much you're getting, not getting, feel you need and don't have and how much you dream of having. Your inner accountant is content as long as the numbers it's tallying every day are within its comfort range. But, if the numbers begin to squeak above that comfort level, watch out because she'll turn from a meek and mild "bean counter" into a raging dragon of drama.
If you've suddenly made more, then just as quickly found yourself out of money, or no matter how hard you try to make more it just never seems to happen, then you're inner accountant is to blame.
The good news is, you can renegotiate the amount your inner accountant is comfortable with you making. This is what I call, "Money Soul" work. Here are three secrets for breaking through a self-imposed barrier that's blocking you from creating the 1ncome you desire . . . and deserve.
Secret Number 1 Expand Your Money Comfort Zone
The more comfortable you are with bigger numbers, the more money your inner accountant will feel comfortable managing for you. For example, one of my students excitedly reported that as she became more comfortable with bigger numbers her income finally reached six figures.
Instead of saying, "That's expensive" or "That must cost a lot" take a look at the price tags of things that represent your next level of luxury and lifestyle. How much are the nicer homes in your city? If you were on a shopping spree in a high-end boutique, how much would you spend? Even better, if you were the highest paid professional in your industry, how much would your fees be?
Ten years ago, I read an article in Time® magazine about executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith. The article reported that he charged as much as $100,000 per client. I recall being astonished that a coach could charge that much . . . and get it. Seeing that amount opened my eyes to a new paradigm that allowed me, years later, to charge similar fees for my highest end clients.
Secret Number 2 Update Your "Inner Accountant's" Skill Set
Your inner accountant is a childlike part of you that only wants to serve and protect you. The problem is, if it's using a limited skill set then you're going to run into conflicts with the adult you who wants to enjoy greater financial flow and freedom.
To solve this, I recommend educating your inner accountant. What part of your daily money life do you shy away from the most? Is it balancing your checkbook, reading a bank statement? Paying bills on time or with a feeling of joy? Pinpoint which daily money tasks are the most problematic for you, then, get the information, help or support you need to update both your mindset and your capabilities. Think of it this way:
As you become more trustworthy with money, your inner accountant will allow in more money to trust you with.
Secret Number 3 Align Who You Are With The New, Wealthier You
Who are you as someone who makes, say, double what you do now? Who are you as someone who creates a six figure income this year? Or a six figure year? What about a million dollar year?
If you're serious about making more then it's time to give the old "money you" a makeover. Try this: for the next 72 hours, ask yourself,
"As someone who makes ___________ how do I (market my business, handle my team, increase my confidence, etc.)?"
Be prepared for some feelings of discomfort. Those feelings are your place of growth, allowing your next level of income to spring forward.
The Amount Of Money You Deserve To Make Is Only Limited By The Amount You BELIEVE You're Worth
Consider this: Divine source energy does not put a ceiling on how much you can make. This amount is up to you. What I can promise you is this: every time you create harmony and peace within yourself about how much money you want in your life, you'll quickly reach a new level of wealth . . . and experience the joy of true financial freedom.

Self-made multimillionaire master coach, business and marketing expert and founder of the International Association of Women in Business Coaching (IAWBC), Kendall SummerHawk, is proud to announce "The 4 Simple Steps to Designing, Marketing, Pricing and Filling Lucrative VIP Days". To find out more go to

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Kendall Summerhawk
How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It
Kendall Summerhawk How to Make More Money

How Much Money Do You Deserve to Make?

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Every woman harbors inside her heart her secret "inner accountant." This accountant busily keeps tabs on how much you're getting, not getting, feel you need and don't have and how much you dream of having. Your inner accountant is content as long as the numbers it's tallying every day are within its comfort range. But, if the numbers begin to squeak above that comfort level, watch out because she'll turn from a meek and mild "bean counter" into a raging dragon of drama.
If you've suddenly made more, then just as quickly found yourself out of money, or no matter how hard you try to make more it just never seems to happen, then you're inner accountant is to blame.
The good news is, you can renegotiate the amount your inner accountant is comfortable with you making. This is what I call, "Money Soul" work. Here are three secrets for breaking through a self-imposed barrier that's blocking you from creating the 1ncome you desire . . . and deserve.
Secret Number 1 Expand Your Money Comfort Zone
The more comfortable you are with bigger numbers, the more money your inner accountant will feel comfortable managing for you. For example, one of my students excitedly reported that as she became more comfortable with bigger numbers her income finally reached six figures.
Instead of saying, "That's expensive" or "That must cost a lot" take a look at the price tags of things that represent your next level of luxury and lifestyle. How much are the nicer homes in your city? If you were on a shopping spree in a high-end boutique, how much would you spend? Even better, if you were the highest paid professional in your industry, how much would your fees be?
Ten years ago, I read an article in Time® magazine about executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith. The article reported that he charged as much as $100,000 per client. I recall being astonished that a coach could charge that much . . . and get it. Seeing that amount opened my eyes to a new paradigm that allowed me, years later, to charge similar fees for my highest end clients.
Secret Number 2 Update Your "Inner Accountant's" Skill Set
Your inner accountant is a childlike part of you that only wants to serve and protect you. The problem is, if it's using a limited skill set then you're going to run into conflicts with the adult you who wants to enjoy greater financial flow and freedom.
To solve this, I recommend educating your inner accountant. What part of your daily money life do you shy away from the most? Is it balancing your checkbook, reading a bank statement? Paying bills on time or with a feeling of joy? Pinpoint which daily money tasks are the most problematic for you, then, get the information, help or support you need to update both your mindset and your capabilities. Think of it this way:
As you become more trustworthy with money, your inner accountant will allow in more money to trust you with.
Secret Number 3 Align Who You Are With The New, Wealthier You
Who are you as someone who makes, say, double what you do now? Who are you as someone who creates a six figure income this year? Or a six figure year? What about a million dollar year?
If you're serious about making more then it's time to give the old "money you" a makeover. Try this: for the next 72 hours, ask yourself,
"As someone who makes ___________ how do I (market my business, handle my team, increase my confidence, etc.)?"
Be prepared for some feelings of discomfort. Those feelings are your place of growth, allowing your next level of income to spring forward.
The Amount Of Money You Deserve To Make Is Only Limited By The Amount You BELIEVE You're Worth
Consider this: Divine source energy does not put a ceiling on how much you can make. This amount is up to you. What I can promise you is this: every time you create harmony and peace within yourself about how much money you want in your life, you'll quickly reach a new level of wealth . . . and experience the joy of true financial freedom.

Self-made multimillionaire master coach, business and marketing expert and founder of the International Association of Women in Business Coaching (IAWBC), Kendall SummerHawk, is proud to announce "The 4 Simple Steps to Designing, Marketing, Pricing and Filling Lucrative VIP Days". To find out more go to

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Kendall Summerhawk
How to Charge What You're Worth and Get It
Kendall Summerhawk